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Kansas Association for Court Management

Thank you!

Thursday, October 10, 2024 11:06 AM | Nicole Armstrong (Administrator)

Good morning,

It was great to see everyone at the annual conference last month! As the theme was overcoming obstacles, we got to hear about some of the challenges we experience in municipal court, along with positive responses. Thank you for attending! 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as President of KACM! I look forward to working with everyone to accomplish the goals of the association.

An area of focus will be the continuity and development of the association. It's important that our association is constantly evolving, which includes new ideas, growth, and movement. As such we have implemented an onboarding process for new board members. The success of KACM depends on the involvement of members, so please let us know if you'd like to take on a more active role. 

Looking forward to the upcoming year!

Thank you,

© Copyright 2022, Kansas Association of Court Management
The Kansas Association for Court Management is a registered 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Not for Profit Corporation in Kansas. 
Inquiries may be directed to 2100 N Ohio, Augusta, KS 67010

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